
Evolvable programming language -- evo

View the Project on GitHub lancerstadium/evo

EVO Tools


EDB(Evo Debug Tool) is a pure C tool for debugging and do difftest for Software or Hardware:

  1. Server: Trace operators’ runtime
  2. Connect to port and send/receive result tensor_data/operator_asm/perfermance_data
  3. Client: Difftest and cross-valid run result


1.1 Socket

Socket is a way of connecting two nodes on a network with each other:

  1. Server: One socket listen to the port of an IP.
  2. Client: The other socket connect to first.

        Server              Client
    ┌────────────┐      ┌────────────┐
    │  socket()  │      │  socket()  │
    └─────┬──────┘      └─────┬──────┘
    ┌─────┴──────┐      ┌─────┴──────┐
    │   bind()   │      │  connect() │
    └─────┬──────┘      └─────┬──────┘
    ┌─────┴──────┐            │
    │  listen()  │            │
    └─────┬──────┘            │
    ┌─────┴──────┐            │
    │  accept()  │            │
    └─────┬──────┘            │
    │   read()    <----    write()   │
    │   write()   ---->    read()    │
    ┌─────┴──────┐      ┌─────┴──────┐
    │   close()  │      │   close()  │
    └────────────┘      └────────────┘

2 cv-tools

In dir tools/cv contain many tools for cv, such as:

  1. img2c: convert image to c array
  2. imgsz: resize image

To use these tools, you need to install required python packages:

pip install pillow numpy